How It Works
Knowledgemill automates the complex process of organising, sharing, and retrieving emails and documents from anywhere at anytime - without leaving Outlook.
Automated email filing delivered within Outlook
Knowledgemill analyses incoming and outgoing mails and documents to allocate them to a pre-defined folder structure
These folders can be set up in your everyday Outlook interface for clients, matters, projects or departments and any emails and documents that relate to that client or project will drop into the right place as they are sent or received. Replies and forwards to existing emails are automatically filed by Knowledgemill. The user does not have to think about it. It just works.

Empower your staff without cultural change
With Knowledgemill there is no need to enforce a cultural change in your business in order to collaborate more efficiently and to become more productive. As a natural extension to Outlook, users can be up and running sharing emails and documents within minutes.
When a user sends or receives a new email, Knowledgemill asks the user where they would like to file the email to. Knowledgemill will suggest where the email should be filed to, but ultimately the user is empowered to make the choice.
"We now have a single central client/matter file making it easy to find filed emails."
Georgie Heatley
IT/Office Manager
Deployment – Cloud or Private Cloud – Your Choice
You have the choice of running Knowledgemill in the cloud or on your own servers. We recommend the Cloud Service because you get the benefits of optimal performance, 24/7 monitoring, dedicated service levels, generous storage, elastic scale, and the highest levels of security.
We do, however, recognise that some businesses are governed by rules which mean they must manage their data internally. The Private Cloud Appliance is a virtual appliance that you can upload onto your own virtual servers. We support both Microsoft Hyper-V and VMWare ESX. Simply turn the appliance on, allocate storage, and away you go.