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Knowledgemill Solves Your Public Folder Problems

Do you have a Public Folder issue?

Are you delayed moving to 365 because of slow Public Folders performance?

Are large mailboxes stopping you move to 365?

Currently many companies use Microsoft Public Folders for email collaboration which have been available in Microsoft Exchange since Exchange 2003, many of those same organisations are finding it difficult to move to 365 because of the Public Folder performance challenges.

In Microsoft Outlook, a public folder is a folder created to share information with others. The owner of a public folder can set privileges so that only a select group of users have access to the folder, or the folder can be made available to everyone on the network who uses the same mail client. Public Folders in Outlook can contain contacts, calendar items, messages, journal entries, or Outlook Forms.

Over the last few years we have seen a number of new customers join us because of problems with Microsoft Public Folders. There are two main reasons for this:

1) To solve a serious performance problem, before or after moving to Office 365
2) Because user mailboxes are simply too large to move to Office 365.


At Knowledgemill we are able to solve your customer’s Public Folder problem with simple set-up, migration and very little, if any, time required from your staff.

In solving a customer’s Public Folder issues, organisations receive far superior functionality and, in doing so, hugely improving their operational efficiency. Read our latest case study here


Over 75% of a company’s data is typically contained in email.  Therefore it’s vital that you never lose another email and can find any email fast.


Knowledgemill Mail Manager automates the complex process of filing and simplifies searching for emails, attachments and documents across your entire organisation by securely storing all data into one central database. Relax in the knowledge that you will never lose an email or document again, saving valuable time with instant access to all important and relevant data at the click of a button anywhere and at any time.
