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Government Mail Management

Open Government Mail Management and Data Privacy

“The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) considers that a government or a state can be considered ‘Open’ when its data, its actions, decisions and processes are transparent, accountable, participatory, and consistently demonstrate integrity. This openness must apply to all levels and sectors”.

There is no doubt that ‘Open Government’ is a hot topic right now, but what does it really mean in practice? What do governments need to be doing in the areas of transparency, participation and accountability to qualify as ‘Open’?  What are the uses of new communications technologies which can really advance openness as opposed to merely perpetuating existing bureaucratic practices in a digital environment?  It is a complex issue with many aspects to consider.

There is increasing interest in how technology can support critical email data being made available in support of the Open Government, a challenge all European governments are having to deal with while trying to balance security and data protection requirements.

Our focus at Knowledgemill is solving the email data challenge required to support an Open framework. In essence, how to get control of your email data.  It is often quite hard to decide what your organisation needs. The organisation’s Information Security/Retention Policy is a great place to start.  It should give clarity about the different types of data assets an organisation processes/stores as well as their security and access requirements.

It is a complex challenge deciding what data and information needs to be made available to allow each government department/ministry to do its job and meet GDPR, regulation, data retention, legal and compliance requirements and so on.  Departments with a good Information security policy will have the requirements covered, but may be let down by technology, operational or manual processes.

It is disconcerting how much email data is still scattered across multiple mailboxes and other systems. It makes it much harder to search and find information and work out the business critical from the personal.  The chances of using out-of-date or incorrect / inappropriate personal information are increased – the impact of which could be disastrous.  There is a large amount of unnecessary manual processing still applied to emails, affording significant organisational risk.

We are currently working with a number of European governments and ministries to help them solve the Open Data challenge for emails (and documents) for their historic data and the large volumes of daily email correspondence.

At Knowledgemill we can help by:

  • Getting your email data under control, ensuring there is one unique, central copy of business emails.
  • Identifying and capturing only those emails required to be kept for the business.
  • Using AI technology to automate the process of creating a central copy of business emails (with attachments) and removing the requirement for error-prone manual filing.
  • Using a fast and accurate search / filter capability which allows users, Compliance and Legal to find the full set of information they are looking for in seconds.

Knowledgemill simplifies searching for emails, attachments and documents across your entire organisation by securely storing all data into one central database. You can relax in the knowledge that you will never lose an email or document again, saving valuable time with instant access to all important and relevant data at the click of a button anywhere and at any time.

Go to to find out more.  We would be pleased to demonstrate/discuss how Knowledgemill works with your existing systems and how it could help your organisation.
