I have in the past, as many businesses, employed expensive consultants to perform an assessment of the Company’s ‘day to day’ operational processes, The consultants brief is to document the existing processes and look for areas that can be automated or improved. They generally produce very comprehensive documentation with detailed cost benefit for each improvement, business KPIs and role definitions. However, the one area that appears neglected is email management which could provide huge improvements to the business.
Email is a critical business communication tool. It is imperative for customer service, supplier management and may become a business risk/cost if not managed effectively. Each member of staff will spend a lot of their working day managing emails, sending emails, replying to emails and referring to historic emails as a core part of their job. If the email management burden on staff can be reduced it can improve productivity significantly.
The majority of business emails contain vital information for the organisation and requires handling with speed and precision to deliver a timely and coherent customer-centric experience. This can be achieved using an intelligent email filing capability which can automatically file the majority of all business emails in the right place without user intervention, providing suggestions for the remainder with the additional capability to find historic emails quickly and easily, irrespective of age and who received the email initially.
There can be resistance when implementing an email automation. One of the major concerns I encounter when talking to organisations is the fear that Zero click filing results in emails being filed in the wrong place or that staff fear loss of control. The opposite is of course true, by combining automation with machine learning, staff remain in control. Automation removes most of the burden of email administration for the user, saving considerable in filing and searching for business critical emails. Combined with a data retention policy, it reduces compliance, audit and data regulation risk for the organisation and promotes a consistent customer-centric model.
Read the feedback below from one of our many satisfied clients (in their own words) after they implemented Knowledgemill Mail Manager in their business:
Working more effectively as a team – “the whole team use the same work folders (Client, supplier or project), so everyone is completely up-to-date at all times, without ever having to copy or forward to colleagues. ‘Very simply, we send and receive at least 30% less mail’.”
Impressing clients by always being well informed – whether it’s taking a query for a colleague or providing relationship continuity over holidays or staff changes, every member of the team can see the latest communication thread.
Saving time and effort – Automated filing has cut down the need for people to spend time filing emails. Better still, it dramatically reduces the time spent looking for emails or asking colleagues for information or forwarding and cc’ing – every email from every one and every attachment to a particular case is gathered together in a folder in Outlook, which is easy to scan by eye or search and filter.
Maintaining complete records – There is now a comprehensive record of all electronic communication, classified and stored by client and project. This is great for regulatory compliance, internal process compliance, management overview and client confidence.
Simplicity of adoption – introducing 100% compulsory filing and a management information system would normally be pretty traumatic. But because Knowledgemill works intuitively just like a part of Outlook, and because filing is mostly automatic, users have no problem learning to use it and there is little cultural change.
Knowledgemill Mail Manager automates the complex process of filing and simplifies searching for emails, attachments and documents across your entire organisation by securely storing all data into one central database. Relax in the knowledge that you will never lose an email or document again, saving valuable time with instant access to all important and relevant data at the click of a button anywhere and at any time.
Here at Knowledgemill, we have the know how and experience to help with email management for your organisation. Visit www.knowledgemill.com or contact us at info@knowledgemill.com for an informal chat and see how Knowledgemill can help your business get your email management under control.